


來看看專業提供西班牙語課程Spanish course hk的Commupro對你的建議:


【2】好的學習計劃+好的學習方法第一個是學習計劃,每個人的學習語言的速度有差別,所以,需要正視自己的學習,給自己1年-1年半的時間學習西班牙語,因為語言越紮實,專業就讀時才越輕鬆。當完全了解自己學習西班牙語言的的狀態,有了一個相對寬鬆的學習期限,心態就會放鬆,學習效果就會提高。第二,就是學習方法: 多聽、多說、多看是關鍵。多給自己一些與人接觸的機會,通過日常購物、和當地學生交往、旅行、打工、學生活動來鍛煉自己的聽說能力。將語言學習衍生到生活中,獲得更大的進步。這一點很關鍵。仲有,善​​於利用學校的圖書館和信息資源,多看。公立大學的圖書館都是免費使用的。還可以到大學的其他專業旁聽。選擇一些短期的西班牙語聽力提高班或專家課,獲得一對一提高的機會,聽取西班牙留學專家對你的學習建議。要堅信你一定能達到目的,要堅信自己有堅強不屈的毅力和西班牙語言方面的非凡才能。

接下來,讓專業的Commupro提供的西班牙語課程學習(Spanish course hk)教大家知道為何學習西班牙語?

For communication: Spanish is spoken by around 350 million people all over the world, especially in the fast growing markets of South America.
For cultural exposure: Spanish is famous for its fascinating culture full of music and dance.
For travel: Make the most of your travels not only in many countries in Europe, but also in Latin America and even Africa.
For further language learning: The Spanish language shares a lot of similarities with English, French, Portuguese so why not make your first stride in becoming multilingual?

Instant Spanish A1.1 on Mondays 19:15 – 20:55
Start Date: 22.09.2014
Class size: 2 – 5 students
Fees: $2960 (8 lessons, 16 sessions)

Instant Spanish A1.1 on Wednesdays 19:15 – 20:55
Start Date: 24.09.2014
Class size: 2 – 5 students
Fees: $2960 (8 lessons, 16 sessions)

Instant Spanish A1.1 on Fridays 19:15 – 20:55
Start Date: 26.09.2014
Class size: 2 – 5 students
Fees: $2960 (8 lessons, 16 sessions)

最後,我D西班牙語課程學習入門的種類應有盡有,有專門針對小孩,大人等不同年齡層的各種學習西班牙語的應用:Our Spanish Courses(Beginners' Spanish A1)、Spanish for Traveling(The Spanish for Traveling courses are context-based language courses where you will learn essential phrases and practice dialogues. Grammar is minimal in these courses. )、Our Spanish Courses for Kids.
Language is a communication tool. It facilitates thinking, it embodies concepts. Yet it does not really have any content.....




關於 CommuPro Company Limited.
We are currently offering various courses in English, German, Spanish, French, Japanese, Mandarin and Cantonese. We offer group courses as well private classes, language courses as well as cultural classes, courses for adults and students as well as classes for kids.

We have regular courses throughout the year. We have special terms over Easter, Summer and Christmas where intensive courses are offered. Our Instant A1 series can bring you from zero to A1 level in 37.5 contact hours (while conventional courses will take around 100 contact hours ). We also offer ongoing courses and we tailor-make catch-up classes for private individuals who want to join in the middle of a group course or a level where he/she is not yet adequate for.

Phone: (+852) 37582839

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